
TOW offers qualified staff for the following services:

Support to the manufacturing of press dies.

Tryout in production lines (specialists in skin panels)

Adjustments and preventive maintenance.

Tryout presses in Barcelona, Bilbao, Santander, Mexico and Romania.

Follow up of procedures, constructions, up to final acceptance of parts.

Follow up and support to construction and tryout of clinching islands.

Adjustments in programming and optimisation of robotised procedures; preventive and corrective maintenance.

Reengineering and fieldworks for sheet optimization.

Piece retouching: staff specialized in bodywork, reworking of visible and structure parts.

El capital humano

Es el principal activo de una empresa con futuro.
Personal con más de 25 años, trabajando con todo tipo de piezas para las principales marcas de automóviles de todo el mundo.

Other services

In cooperation with the group’s companies, TOW offers the following services:

Simultaneous engineering, process and design.

Laser cut of foil pieces (aluminium and steel).

Spare parts.


Stamping of short series and pre-series.

Laser welding investment studies.

Construction of dies and tools, modifications and machining processes.

Welded assemblies.

Nuestros clientes

Marcas líderes en el sector de la automoción confian en TOW.